Technical SEO Services

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We Provide Purely Technical SEO Solutions

What is Technical SEO & Why it is Important?

Technical SEO refers to the optimization of website infrastructure and server configurations to improve its search engine crawling, indexing, and rendering capabilities. It focuses on enhancing the technical aspects that influence search engine rankings and user experience. Key elements of Technical SEO include optimizing website speed, ensuring mobile responsiveness, fixing crawl errors, implementing structured data (schema markup), improving site architecture, and enhancing security protocols (SSL certificates). Technical SEO is vital because it ensures that search engines can efficiently crawl and index your site, making your content more discoverable. It also enhances user experience by ensuring fast-loading pages, seamless navigation, and compatibility across various devices, ultimately contributing to higher rankings and increased organic traffic.

Best Practices of Technical SEO

Technical SEO encompasses several critical practices that optimize a website’s infrastructure and backend elements to improve search engine visibility and user experience.

  1. Search Engine Verification: Verify your website with major search engines like Google and Bing to gain access to webmaster tools, enabling you to monitor and manage site performance.

  2. Search Impressions: Analyze search impressions in tools like Google Search Console to understand how your site appears in search results and optimize titles and meta descriptions for better click-through rates.

  3. Robots.txt File: Use the robots.txt file to instruct search engine crawlers on which pages to crawl and index, enhancing crawl efficiency and focusing on important content.

  4. Website Structure: Ensure a clear and organized website structure with logical navigation to facilitate easy access to content for users and search engines alike.

  5. Mobile Usability: Optimize your website for mobile devices to provide a seamless browsing experience. Responsive design ensures that content displays correctly across various screen sizes, improving user engagement and search rankings.

  6. Page Speed: Improve page load times by optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing CSS and JavaScript files. Faster-loading pages enhance user experience and reduce bounce rates, positively impacting SEO.

  7. Crawl Error Fix: Regularly monitor and fix crawl errors reported in Google Search Console to ensure all pages are accessible to search engines, preventing potential indexing issues.

  8. URL Indexing: Submit XML sitemaps to search engines and monitor indexing status to ensure all important pages are crawled and indexed properly.

  9. Fix Broken Links: Identify and fix broken links using tools like Screaming Frog or Google Search Console to maintain a smooth user experience and prevent negative SEO impacts.

  10. Canonical URL: Implement canonical tags to indicate preferred URLs for duplicate or similar content, consolidating link equity and avoiding duplicate content issues.

  11. Duplicate Content: Address duplicate content issues by using canonical tags, 301 redirects, or ensuring unique and valuable content across your site to avoid penalties from search engines.

  12. SSL Certificate: Ensure your website is secure with an SSL certificate (HTTPS). It encrypts data exchanged between the user’s browser and your website, boosting user trust and potentially improving search rankings.

Implementing these best practices of Technical SEO enhances site performance, improves search engine visibility, and provides a seamless experience for users, ultimately contributing to higher rankings and increased organic traffic.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis” is a strategic SEO service that evaluates competitors’ digital presence to uncover insights and opportunities. We analyze their SEO strategies, keyword tactics, content quality, and backlink profiles to benchmark against industry leaders. This service helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in your own strategy, enabling tailored improvements and competitive advantages. By understanding market dynamics and competitor performance, we refine your SEO approach to increase visibility, attract relevant traffic, and achieve sustainable growth in search engine rankings and online presence.

Backlink Analysis


Competitor Backlink Analysis” is a specialized SEO service focused on evaluating competitors’ external links to uncover strategic insights. We meticulously assess the quality, quantity, and relevance of their backlinks to identify opportunities and gaps in your SEO strategy. By understanding competitors’ link-building tactics, we formulate a tailored approach to acquire authoritative backlinks and enhance your website’s authority and search engine rankings. This service empowers businesses to stay competitive, improve their online presence, and attract targeted traffic through strategic link-building initiatives.

Technical SEO Audit​

We conduct an in-depth technical SEO audit to find and resolve technical SEO issues of your website. Using the analysis results, we take all measures to improve your website and increase its ranking on Google. Below we have published a list of technical SEO audits that we perform.

Search Engine Verification: Ensure the website is verified with major search engines (Google, Bing).

Robots.txt File: Verify the robots.txt file is correctly configured to control search engine crawling behavior.

XML Sitemap: Check and submit an XML sitemap to search engines for all website pages.

Site Architecture: Evaluate website structure for logical navigation and ease of access to content.

Mobile-Friendliness: Test website responsiveness and usability across different devices and screen sizes.

Page Speed: Assess and optimize page load times using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.

HTTPS / SSL: Verify the website is secure with an SSL certificate (HTTPS).

Meta Tags: Review and optimize meta tags (title, description) for relevant keywords and click-through rate.

Header Tags: Ensure proper use of header tags (H1, H2, etc.) for content structure and SEO.

Image Optimization: Optimize images for size, alt text, and relevance to improve page load speed and SEO.

Internal Linking: Check internal links for relevance and usability, ensuring they are properly anchored and distributed.

External Links: Verify outbound links to authoritative sites and ensure they are relevant to enhance credibility.

Schema Markup: Implement schema markup (structured data) where applicable to enhance rich snippets in search results.

Crawl Errors: Identify and fix crawl errors using Google Search Console or other tools.

Duplicate Content: Check for duplicate content issues and implement canonical tags or 301 redirects as needed.

URL Structure: Ensure URLs are descriptive, user-friendly, and optimized with relevant keywords.

Analytics Setup: Verify Google Analytics or other analytics tools are properly set up to track and analyze website performance.

Security: Conduct a security audit to identify and fix vulnerabilities that may affect SEO and user trust.

Accessibility: Ensure the website is accessible to users with disabilities, following WCAG guidelines where applicable.

Content Audit: Review and update content for relevance, freshness, and alignment with SEO best practices.

Performing a thorough Technical SEO Audit using this checklist helps optimize website performance, enhance user experience, and improve search engine rankings effectively.

Structured Data Markup

Structured Data Markup” is an advanced SEO service that enhances search engine visibility by implementing schema vocabulary on web pages. This markup helps search engines understand and categorize content more effectively, leading to enhanced rich snippets and improved click-through rates in search results. Our service includes strategic implementation of schema markup for various content types such as events, products, recipes, and reviews. By structuring data with schema markup, we ensure your website communicates clearly with search engines, maximizing visibility and relevance. This comprehensive approach boosts organic traffic, improves user engagement, and strengthens overall SEO performance.

Speed Optimization​

Speed Optimization” is a vital SEO service focused on enhancing website loading times and overall performance. We meticulously optimize images, leverage browser caching, minimize CSS and JavaScript files, and utilize content delivery networks (CDNs). By improving page load speeds, we enhance user experience, reduce bounce rates, and boost search engine rankings. Our comprehensive approach ensures that your website loads quickly across all devices, optimizing for mobile responsiveness as well. With our Speed Optimization service, we aim to improve site usability, increase visitor retention, and drive higher engagement and conversion rates for your business.

Google Indexing Issue

Google Indexing Issue” is a specialized SEO service aimed at resolving issues where web pages are not properly crawled and indexed by Google. We conduct comprehensive audits to identify technical errors such as improper robots.txt directives, duplicate content, or server issues affecting indexing. Our experts implement solutions like optimizing XML sitemaps, fixing canonicalization problems, and ensuring content accessibility for Google crawlers. By addressing these issues, we aim to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results, increase organic traffic, and enhance overall SEO performance, ensuring that your content reaches its full potential audience.


PENALTY RECOVERY” is a specialized SEO service aimed at restoring website rankings after being penalized by search engines like Google. We conduct thorough audits to identify the root cause of penalties, such as algorithmic updates or manual actions. Our experts then develop and implement a strategic recovery plan, which may include removing harmful links, fixing technical issues, improving content quality, and submitting reconsideration requests. By addressing penalty factors comprehensively, we aim to regain lost rankings, traffic, and trust from search engines, ensuring sustainable SEO performance and compliance with best practices.

Benefits of Technical SEO

Get Organic Traffic: Technical SEO ensures your website is structured and optimized for search engines to crawl, index, and rank effectively. By fixing crawl errors, optimizing site speed, and implementing proper redirects, you enhance visibility and attract organic traffic.

User Experience: A fast-loading website with intuitive navigation and mobile responsiveness improves user experience. Technical SEO optimizes elements like page speed, mobile usability, and secure browsing, ensuring visitors can easily access and navigate your site.

Get Increased Clicks: Optimizing meta tags, headings, and structured data markup helps enhance how your website appears in search engine results pages (SERPs). This improves click-through rates as users are more likely to click on well-presented, relevant results.

Rich Snippets in Search Results: Implementing structured data enables search engines to display rich snippets, such as star ratings, reviews, and product information, directly in SERPs. This enhances visibility and attracts attention, leading to increased clicks and traffic.

Reduce the Cost of SEO: Addressing technical issues proactively reduces the need for extensive corrective measures later on. By maintaining a technically sound website, you minimize the resources and effort required for ongoing SEO maintenance and improvement.

Technical SEO not only improves search engine visibility and organic traffic but also enhances user experience, increases click-through rates through enriched search results, and optimizes SEO costs by preventing and addressing technical issues promptly.

We Give You The Best Technical SEO Services

We provide top-notch Technical SEO services tailored to optimize your website’s performance. Our experts ensure thorough audits, fix technical issues promptly, and implement best practices to enhance site speed, user experience, and search engine rankings. With a focus on detailed analysis and strategic implementation, we deliver measurable results that drive organic traffic and improve online visibility. Trust us to elevate your digital presence with the best Technical SEO solutions available.

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